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Project Drawdown and 被动的房子

“缩减计划”是“有史以来为扭转全球变暖而提出的最全面的计划”. 根据 他们的网站, 这项倡议“聚集了来自世界各地的合格和多样化的研究人员来确定, 研究, and model the 100 most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change. What was uncovered is a path forward that can roll...




“缩减计划”是“有史以来为扭转全球变暖而提出的最全面的计划”. 根据 他们的网站, 这项倡议“聚集了来自世界各地的合格和多样化的研究人员来确定, 研究, and model the 100 most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change. 我们发现的是一条可以在30年内遏制全球变暖的前进道路。”. By modelling the effects of already existing technology, 这组科学家, 积极分子, 企业家们确定了减缓全球变暖的最有效和最成功的方法. These methods include everything from bioplastics to 木质建筑, from electric vehicles and mass transit to 微生物农业 as a way to dramatically reduce fertilizer needs. 实施项目缩减的很大一部分要求设计净零排放的社区.

What is Net Zero and how is it related?

加拿大抵押贷款和住房公司将净零建筑定义为“设计和建造将家庭能源需求降至最低,并包括现场可再生能源系统的房屋”, 这样房子每年产生的能量就和它消耗的能量一样多". It has most commonly be applied to housing projects, as in the definition above, 但任何建筑都可以是零能耗建筑,如果它不需要超出自身产生的能量, leaving a net zero overall usage of energy over the course of a year. 一些净零排放建筑甚至产生更多的能源,或者能够处理邻近建筑的影响, contributing a net positive effect on the planet.

通过设计建筑环境以鼓励能源和资源效率,项目缩减概述的所有目标都可以得到推进, facilitating renewable energy generation, and incorporating green spaces and urban farming. Net Zero incorporates all of these elements, 将可持续发展的理念更进一步,创造出不仅仅是减轻其影响的建筑, but have no negative impact on the environment.

Net Zero Neighbourhoods graphic

Click here for larger image.

Implementing Project Drawdown

AG平台最近编写了一份《AG真人试玩网址》,以引领这些社区的设计. 这份报告提出了一种城市规划和发展的新方法,并倡导建筑, 景观, 以及可持续生产材料和能源的基础设施. 我们的希望是,我们将共同扩大这个共享思想库,使之成为改善现状的全面方法清单, 帮助IBI在开发过程中引领大规模变革, improving the health of people, 这个星球.

在上面的信息图中强调了零净系统成功的关键技术和系统. 生态一体化, 宜居城市, resource management, and 智能技术 are the key tenants of a net-zero neighbourhood.


实现净零排放的方法之一是使用被动式房屋的概念. This idea was developed by the “研究所 它是一座不与气候条件作斗争的建筑, but instead through design. The can use just 10% of the total energy of a traditional home. Rather than heating or cooling a structure, 被动式房屋的设计是在大多数气候条件下保持热舒适. 研究所指出:

“被动的房子 make efficient use of the sun, internal heat sources and heat recovery, 即使在最冷的冬天,也不需要传统的供暖系统. 在温暖的月份, 被动式房屋利用被动式冷却技术,如策略性遮阳来保持舒适凉爽. 被动的房子 are praised for the high level of comfort they offer. Internal surface temperatures vary little from indoor air temperatures, even in the face of extreme outdoor temperatures.”

Just how much of a difference does Passive House construction make? 温哥华 put that question to the test 今年夏天. Two tiny homes were constructed, one to BC Building Code standards and one to Passive House standards. Placed inside each home was a 1000kg block of ice. These homes then sat in the summer sun for 18 days. At the end of the challenge, using no additional energy, the Passive House contained 639kg of ice, while the BC Building Code house held only 407kg.

This concept doesn’t only apply to single family homes. There is currently an 85-unit Passive House apartment building 正在开发的 在温哥华. 整合净零和被动式房屋技术是项目成功的关键. 在建设这些可持续发展的道路上,仍有哪些挑战阻碍着我们?


图片由 卡斯滕·怀特(@inf1783) on Unsplash

Alyssa科恩 is an urban designer with IBI Group’s 温哥华 practice. 她的工作主要集中在总体规划概念的发展, where she manages both the design and approval process, as well as facilitating public engagement and outreach. She has worked on both public and private sector projects, ranging from a few acres to a city-wide scale. Alyssa拥有加州大学建筑学硕士和城市规划硕士学位, 洛杉矶. She works to integrate the two disciplines, 确保总体规划概念与当地政策目标保持一致,并顺利过渡到建筑中.

Alyssa是一个强大的沟通者和项目经理,经常领导大型和复杂的项目团队. Her strengths are her attention to detail, efficient administration, and interdisciplinary approach to site design, 以及将设计思维融入公众参与过程,以确保参与者和客户的成功结果.

Headshot of Alyssa科恩

写的 Alyssa科恩

Associate | Manager, 城市设计